Episode 175: Looking At Your FPGA, Respectfully
We continue our famous practice of dunking on Linux Laptops, Google Products, and acquisitions.
We continue our famous practice of dunking on Linux Laptops, Google Products, and acquisitions.
Show Notes:
00:00:48 - MNT Reform
00:18:39 - Google Canceling Free G-Suite Accounts
00:29:36 - Google Stadia Business Insider Article
00:42:49 - Sony Buying Bungie
Review: MNT Reform laptop has fully open hardware and software—for better or worse
Google relents: Legacy G Suite users will be able to migrate to free accounts | Ars Technica
Inside Google's Plan to Salvage Its Stadia Gaming Service
Sony is buying Bungie, the developer of Destiny and original creator of Halo - The Verge
Cristian Online
Sadiq Online
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